
Global Careers

Helping people maximise income through their networks

At Global Gateway, we understand relationships are key.

We use our high-level networks to deliver sales success for our clients.  Accessing the correct connections opens doors to endless opportunities. 

Relationships are key.

We are constantly building a network of influential individuals who possess the power to make meaningful introductions to key players in various sectors worldwide. With our community of well-connected professionals, navigating the global business landscape becomes seamless for our clients.

If you believe you have a well connected network and want to earn a great living through leveraging it in a professional, systematic way, then please get in touch.

Global Associate Programme

Global Gateway manages a diverse portfolio of high performing companies across a wide spectrum of industries. We have a global presence with established offices in the UK & Ireland, Central Europe, Middle East, far East and North America.

Since 2016, Global Gateway has delivered more than £2.6Bn revenue for clients.

At Global Gateway, we recognise a successful company relies on the quality of its people. We strive to work alongside the very best talent on the planet and we are committed to making sure every associate has the highest quality support possible and that they can earn a completely uncapped remuneration.

We follow a strict system that guarantees success for all parties – client, associate and Global Gateway. The system has been developed over the past 8 years and is largely the product of getting some things very wrong and some things very right during that journey.

We are 100% confident the system is a transparent process that keeps the client informed of progress and how we are working towards success. 

Register You Interest Here

How it works


A few formalities to keep all sides correct and formal:

  1. Presentation on Associate opportunity
  2. Non Disclosure Agreement
  3. Framework Associate Agreement
Opporunity Briefs

As opportunities are assessed and due diligence completed by central HQ, you will be sent a sanitised 'Opportunity Sheet'.  If you are interested in working with the opportunity you simply register your interest with us.

Formal Briefing Documents

The Global Gateway strategic evaluation team will present you with a document called ‘Understanding the Opportunity’. This document is the output of a high-level client analysis and will present you with:

  1. General overview of the opportunity
  2. What the company does
  3. Potential market size
  4. Value proposition - trigger, positioning & sales approach
  5. Sales playbook

During this stage you will be introduced direct to the client who will also provide further information as required.

Test Proposition & Finalise Sales Strategy

During this phase, you will test the collateral produced during Stage 3 with ‘friendly’ potential clients in- country.

The aim here is to verify the sales approach, sales deck and sales playbook.

At the end of this phase, it may be necessary to refine the messaging and playbook to make sure it is on-point for prospects.

This data will be used to agree and build a sales strategy in conjunction with Global Gateway strategic team and the client.

The end result will be a clear sales process, with the top 3 routes to market identified and a plan for rolling out the prospecting phase. 

Prospecting & Sales Pipeline

You will register all prospects & deals in the client pipeline on the Global Gateway internal HubSpot system.

You will be assigned a unique number so there is total anonymity who is dealing with individual prospects and clients.  Once formally registered in the pipeline, you have complete exclusivity with the named prospect for a 6 month period in order to close the deal.

This pipeline is openly shared with the client so they have full transparancy of who you are talking to and can measure progress on a monthly basis.

Separate training on Hubspot will be provided by the Global Gateway Strategic team.

It is critical this phase is managed with the utmost professionalism, as it is the initial point where the client has live-time exposure to what activities are ongoing and live time reporting. Client pipelines will be used for monthly reporting and future activity planning. 

Technical Sales Process

You are NOT responsible for completing a sale.

Your mission is to identify prospects, build relationships and nurture clients through the prospecting pipeline until they are at the technical pre- sales presentation stage.

At this point ,it is the responsibility of the client to present to the prospect and to agree all commercials direct.

Your job throughout this process is to manage relationships with both the prospect and the client, solve problems as required and coordinate all logistics for meeting / presentations etc. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

Book an appointment
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